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Your Everyday Herbs And Spices And Their Medicinal Effects.

Many of the herbs and spices we have in our very own kitchens hold medicinal properties as well as therapeutic effects. These are herbs and spices most of us use on a daily basis and are unaware of the true potential they hold. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

- Allspice has a clove-like taste and can be used to treat stomach ailments.

- This is used to loosen mucus and clear respiratory congestion. Also used to relieve bloating and indigestion.

- Due to its antispasmodic properties, you can use basil to ease an upset stomach. Basil can also stimulate the cilia in the nose to help clear the nasal passages.

- This is used for bloating and cramping. It is also useful in treating bronchitis.

- A member of the ginger family, cardamom is used to relieve stomach problems and heartburn.

Cayenne Pepper
 - This is used to stimulate the digestive and circulatory systems.

Chives -
 Chives are used to promote good digestion. They can help to lower high blood pressure and chives also make a good diuretic.

 - Cinnamon is known as one of nature's strongest antiseptics. It also contains sedative components and it is believed to lower blood-sugar levels. 

- Cloves are known for their disinfectant properties. Also used to treat toothaches and to reduce inflammation.

- Coriander is used to aid in digestion. It is also known to alleviate migraine headaches.

- Dill helps to calm a nervous stomach. It is also known to kill intestinal bacteria.

- Garlic is thought to prevent heart disease, stroke and hypertension.

- Ginger helps to stimulate the heart and circulatory system. Also know for its ability to reduce inflammation.

 - This inhibits the growth of bacteria and viruses. Horseradish also promotes good blood flow.

- Promotes digestion and relieves diarrhea. It also loosens mucus to aid in the recovery of bronchitis.

 - Nutmeg stimulates the cardiovascular system. It also increases concentration. You can use this to reduce stomach problems such as nausea and diarrhea.

- Recently onions were found to raise the HDL cholesterol, which helps to clear the fatty deposits from the arteries.

 - Oregano is used for indigestion, flatulence, bloating and stomach pain.

- Parsley strengthens the digestive system and is also used as a diuretic.

- This can be used to treat morning sickness and motion sickness.

- Eases fatigue and exhaustion. Also strengthens the heart and nervous system.

- Stimulates the appetite and also relieves gas.

- Thyme relaxes cramps and gas. Also helps to relieve sore throats.

- This can be used to reduce the risk of gallstones and is also an anti-inflammatory.

These are just the basic herbs and spices that the average person would have in their kitchen. As you can see they are used for more than just cooking! So, when you have that stomach ache or headache, be sure to use a little extra of the correct herb or spice and you could be on your way to feeling better

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