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Pregnant After 35? Here Are 3 Basic Steps Towards Increasing The Chance Of Having A Healthy Baby

Are you pregnant after 35? Age is mere number may be true in any situation except in healthcare, especially when dealing with conception,pregnancy and delivery. Age is thus mere numbers reflecting how much attentive you need to be if you wish to keep you and your baby safe and healthy. Here are some steps you shouldn't miss knowing.

Rest assured, most healthy women who get pregnant after age 35 and even into their 40s have healthy babies. That doesn't mean, though, that that you shouldn't think about smart steps you can take to maximize your health and your baby's health during pregnancy.

Basic Steps Toward Increasing Chances of Having a Healthy Baby

  • Get early and regular prenatal care.  
The first eight weeks of your pregnancy are very important to your baby's development. Early and regular prenatal care can increase your chances of having a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby. Prenatal care includes screenings, regular exams, pregnancy and childbirth education, and counseling and support.

Getting prenatal care also helps provide extra protection for women over 35. It allows your doctor to stay ahead of health conditions that are more common in women who are older when they get pregnant. For instance, your age may increase your risk for gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, a condition that causes high blood pressure along with protein in the urine. During prenatal visits, your doctor will check your blood pressure, test your urine for protein and sugar, and test your blood glucose levels. That way, any potential problems can be caught and treated early.   

  • Consider optional prenatal tests meant for women over 35.  
Your doctor may offer you special prenatal tests that are particularly applicable for older moms. These tests help determine the risk of having a baby with a birth defect. Ask your doctor about these tests so you can learn the risks and benefits and decide what's right for you.

  • Take prenatal vitamins.
All women of childbearing age should take a daily prenatal vitamin containing at least 400 micrograms of folic acid. Getting enough folic acid every day before and during the first three months of pregnancy can help prevent   defects involving a baby's brain and spinal cord. Taking folic acid adds an important level of protection for older women, who have a higher risk of having a baby with birth defects.Some prenatal vitamins have 800-1000mcg(1mg)folic acid. This is still safe in pregnancy.  As a matter of fact, some women need more that the 400mcg for protection against birth defects. Do not take more than 1000-mcg(1mg) folic acid.

Pregnancy Problems Associated with pregnancy After 35, How Do I Manage Them?

You deserve the same TLC as your baby. Taking care of yourself will help you manage any existing health problems and protect you from pregnancy-related diabetes and high blood pressure. And the healthier you are the better it will be for your little one. To see basic steps to follow please read on as we go to the next page

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