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 Welcome to the answer page. Now hear what experts have to say.
  • Always file in one direction. Going back and forth will begin to fray the nails, causing splitting. 

  • Not getting enough B vitamins like folic acid and vitamin B-12 can cause weak, ridged, and even peeling nails. A good way to get more folate is to eat more beans, whole grains, and cold cereals that have extra vitamins. 

  • Nail hardeners that contain nylon (and/or an ingredient called sulfhydryl protein) work by adding a layer on top of your nails to bolster their structure. Products that contain calcium or formaldehyde harden nails, too, but they can make your nails so hard that they may be even more likely to break. 

  • Nail lotions (called “nail strengthening” creams on the labels) hydrate nails, making them flexible so they bend instead of break.
  • Look for ones that contain heavy moisturizers like mineral oil and glycerin and/or sealing ingredients like petrolatum and beeswax. The effects wear off, so you have to keep using these lotions to get the benefit. 

  • It’s wacky but true: Fingernails grow faster on the hand you use the most.That’s not all: Your pedicure really does last longer than your manicure. That’s because fingernails in general grow faster than toenails. It's one reason pedicures last so much longer than manicures!

  • A visit to even the cleanest salon can lead to infection if a manicurist cuts your cuticles. Nail and skin care experts say pushing back is good enough for cleanup -- and it’s your safest bet. Cutting cuticles leaves the edges exposed and separated from the surface of your nail, allowing them to quickly dry out and become ragged again.Apply an oil or thick cream to trimmed cuticles as soon as possible, and reapply several times throughout the day, to keep them from drying and hardening. 


  1. Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more information about nail care. Please keep sharing.
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